Widney Junior School

Widney Junior School
Inspiring a community

Sports Premium

Sports Funding & Swimming Provision

We take PE and sport very seriously at Widney and are extremely proud to have achieved the Gold School Games Mark standard for 3 consecutive years.

Over the past few years, we have successfully used the Sports Premium grant to encourage more of our children than ever before to participate in sport and physical activity. All our teachers receive regular CPD training to enhance their subject knowledge and curriculum delivery in a range of sports and we offer a wide range of extra-curricular activities for our children to participate in.  All the pupils have opportunities to compete against other schools in a range of sports including golf, cricket, football, netball and tag rugby as well as many others.

In addition, we have developed physical activity both within the curriculum and during break times. Some of our Year 4 and 6 pupils have been trained as ‘Play Heroes’. They support and encourage their peers to become more active using different activities and challenges.

Every summer, we have a pop up swimming pool and specialist teachers from Solihull Swim Stars come and teach the children swimming and lifesaving skills. All pupils in Year 3 have a course of lessons and pupils in Year 4-6 who cannot swim 25m (the National Curriculum requirement) have lessons. Almost all pupils can swim 25m by the time they leave the school at the end of Year 6.

Please click on the lick below if you would like to see more details about the extra-curricular clubs that we offer.


More Information


Sports Premium Overview 2024.pdf

Evidencing the impact of the Sports Premium 2022-23.pdf